Evolution of Bioactive Glass
The Evolution of Bioactive Glass
The improved healing from bioactive glass was initially attributed to its ability to form a bone-like mineral layer on its surface when implanted.
Ion Release
It was later discovered that dissolution ions released from bioactive glass stimulate bone healing at the cellular level.
Although bioactivity plays a role in healing, the improved bone formation was now attributed to the cellular effects
Groundbreaking Discovery
Dr. Larry Hench and colleagues discover a novel bone graft material that bonds directly to bone
Improved Bone Healing
A key in vivo study by Oonishi shows that bioactive glass outperforms standard calcium phosphate bone graft materials.
Next Generation Design
BioSphere products represent the first bone grafts specifically developed to optimize the shape and size of bioactive glass to improve bone healing.

Standard Bioactive Glass
Typical 45S5 bioactive glass is composed of irregular particles with a broad size range.

Next Generation Bioactive Glass
Spherical bioactive glass particles with a narrow, bimodal size range have been shown to increase the bone formation properties of 45S5 bioactive glass.
1. Hench L. et al. “Bonding Mechanism at the Interface of Ceramic Prosthetic Materials.” J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Symposium. 2: 117-141 (1971).
2. Oonishi H. et. al. “Particulate Bioglass Compared with Hydroxyapatite as a Bone Graft Substitute.” Clin. Orthop. And Rel. Res. 334: 316-325 (1997).
3. Xynos I. et al. “Gene-expression Profiling Human Osteoblasts Following Treatment with the Ionic Products of Bioglass 45S5 Dissolution.“ J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 55: 151-157 (2001).
4. Hench L. "The Story of Bioglass." J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Med. 17: 967-978 (2006).
5. Borden M. US Patents 8,506,981 and 8,871,235.